Acid rain also affects aquatic life and surface waters, by changing the pH level in bodies of water. When there is a high amount of sulfuric acid, it interferes with a fish’s ability to take in nutrients, salt, and oxygen. For freshwater fish, this acid affects their ability to maintain a balance between minerals and salts in their tissues, which the need to survive. This acid also results in mucus forming in their gills, causing them to not get adequate amounts of oxygen. This change in pH level impairs some of the fish’s ability to maintain their calcium levels, causes an imbalance of salt in their tissues, and impairs the reproduction ability of the fish.

Acid rain affects man-made objects as well. Acid rain dissolves sandstone, limestone, and marble. It corrodes ceramic, textiles, paints, and metals. Acid rain also makes rubber and leather deteriorate. One of the most notable effects of acid rain is stone monument and carvings that have been exposed to it and have begun losing their original features.